Folks move to life plan communities, also known as CCRCs, for various reasons. The primary reason people choose a particular community is because they have friends or family who have shared with them the beauty, value, and care they have found living there. At Twin Lakes, many second-generation family members have followed a relative to live here, and now, for the first time in our 40-year history, Twin Lakes will be called home by three generations of the same family.
Georgia natives, Bob and Sarah Henry were on their way to a CCRC in North Carolina to sign a residency contract late in 1994 when they unexpectedly found themselves on a diversion. Like many who have chosen to make this type of move, the Henrys had visited several communities before making their final decision. There was one CCRC, however, they had not considered until their daughter, Jane, encouraged them to do so, before signing on the dotted line elsewhere. Out of curiosity, and perhaps as a kind gesture to satisfy their daughter, they agreed to visit a community in Burlington, North Carolina. By February of the following year, Bob and Sarah were moving to a different place than they had planned; Twin Lakes Community became their new home. Their only regret was having waited so long to make such an important move.
The Henrys’ daughter, Jane Moore, and husband, Dennis, spent a lot of time visiting them and grew an attachment to Twin Lakes. Over the years, watching Jane’s parents thrive at Twin Lakes and walking closely alongside them as they journeyed through the continuum of care, Jane and Dennis decided to make Twin Lakes their future home as well. The Moores now live in a lovely villa on Calvin Court overlooking a lake. There they have made many new friends and enjoy their wonderful neighbors, including 2 swans, a duck, and a blue heron. It seemed they couldn’t be happier. That is, until they learned their children were considering Twin Lakes for themselves. “They have been so impressed with Twin Lakes and the wonderful services provided to us, that they have already submitted applications,” Dennis said. While tthe Moores’ daughters are still several years away from moving, their excitement grows and they feel a sense of security having already made plans. They’ve seen the lives of their grandparents and parents flourish while living here and feel Twin Lakes is not only “the best deal and location in North Carolina” but a wonderful place to spend their retirement years.

Three generations of the Moores’ family have chosen Twin Lakes Community, a place where they’ve found that autonomy, care, and compassion merge to create a community where lifelong friends are as important as long-term care and where staff know you and your story. It’s a place where grandma and grandpa thrived, where mom and dad continue to live an intentional life of purpose, and where future residency lies. Most of all, it’s home.